"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." - Dr. Seuss, Oh! The Places You'll Go!


i've been tagged by honey to do a survey on a list of sevens. so here goes:

seven things that scare me
1. being dropped off in a den of lions in the middle of serengeti
2. being in a bank when it is being robbed
3. being in perpetual limbo, or as jon used to call it, eternal pagkabitin
4. being attacked by a great white during a dive
5. watching nothing else but willie revillame 24/7 (oh, help me if that happens!)
6. when i open the door of my room, i still end up in my room and open the door again and end up in my room again and try opening the door again and yet still be in my room again and again and again... (this really gives me shudders!)
7. losing all the rainforest cover that we have in this world

seven things i like the most
1. tennis
2. wine
3. dogs
4. books
5. cd's
6. lego
7. bubble wrap

seven random facts about me
1. my favorite section in the supermarket is the detergent section. i look like an addict (sniffing for minutes on end) when i'm there.
2. my heroes (people i really admire) include norwegian speed skater johann olav koss, urbanpromise founder bruce main, italian award-winning architect renzo piano and filipino physicist ceasar saloma.
3. i've had three lives at the age of 25: a marine researcher, a person working in makati (which i would never want to be defined by), and a camp facilitator.
4. i designed the current house that i'm living in (with the help of a structural engineer).
5. the fastest time that i drove from makati to the house in quezon city was 12 minutes flat. it was in the middle of the night but i was tipsy at that time. that was a few years ago and i would never drive like that again. (this is me getting a bit older.) but some of my friends still call me a rally car driver. hahaha!
6. as of today, i have 221 friends in my friendster list.
7. last movie i watched was hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. that was an unusual but funny film!

seven things in my bedroom
(edit: i removed the word important)
1. of course being a bedroom, it's supposed to have a bed!
2. poster of muhammad ali
3. my laptop
4. books
5. clothes
6. rainmaker
7. upland drum from sri lanka

seven things i plan to do before i die
i actually have 50 things to do before i die but i'm only being asked 7.
1. learn how to surf (siargao, here i come!)
2. living in another country for graduate studies
3. look at the ceiling of the sistine chapel
4. swim with dolphins
5. trek to machu picchu
6. watch tennis in wimbledon
7. go skydiving

seven things i can do
1. roll and twirl my tongue
2. transplant a coral (cut, transport and cement) underwater
3. do non-linear video editing
4. cook and bake
5. peel a kiwi in less than 10 seconds
6. do the bow in capoeira
7. play hardcore poker

seven things i can't do
1. bike (yes, for all the things i do, i don't know how to bike, but i'm still determined to learn before the age of 30)
2. move from an overhang in a climbing wall
3. understand the game of cricket
4. do a handstand
5. teleport to another place
6. stop time
7. levitate

seven things that attract me to the opposite sex
1. can carry her own things (especially on hikes or treks!)
2. likes to go on adventures
3. can carry a good conversation
4. laughs at my jokes
5. has a good world view
6. has dreams and aspirations
7. if a filipino, nationalistic (has a heart for the country)

seven things i say the most
1. astig!
2. ingat!
3. ayt!
4. good.
5. talaga?
6. sige...
7. dude, pare, etc.

seven celeb crushes
i used to have a crush on juday, but since i met her, it has changed! hahaha!
1. mylene dizon
2. audrey hepburn
3. angel locsin
4. zhang ziyi
5. kristen dunst (especially in crazy/beautiful)
6. jun ji hyun (of my sassy girl)
7. kimiko date (a former tennis player)


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posted by lex @ 7:19 PM,


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