"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." - Dr. Seuss, Oh! The Places You'll Go!

diversion: to the sea

these days, i am finding myself back at sea, more often than not. with trips to galera, laiya and anilao done for this year and a trip to bohol up soon, my thirst for the ocean waters still abound. i still can't believe that before graduating college, the number of times i've been by the shore could be counted by the fingers of my hand. seriously, the number of times i've actually seen the ocean was just a scant few. and to imagine now that in the water for an accumulated dive time of more than 2 days! i remembered there was even a time back in 2002 where i went out to sea for seven straight weeks (bolinao during weekdays for work and anilao and galera on weekends for leisure). at the end it, i was dark as a piece of coal and unrecognizable (as a human) at night except when i smiled.

even during the habagat where the sea becomes more rough than it is, i still love going out. not to say that i am reckless. i do respect the sea and would not dare go out during a typhoon. but there is a need to be near it even if dives are cancelled due to bad weather. the sea presents a different facet in these conditions and sometimes, i am fascinated by it.

indeed, i just love the ocean. it is such a compelling place to be in; the smell of the ocean and the energy of the waves lures me back to more and more of this wonder. there is a certain peace when i am out there. and if i would create my own c-card, i would not only say diver but also 'child of the sea' for indeed i am one. like a seashell whose memory is only of the ocean until it is brought back, i feel the same way.

it has some story to tell me: of past voyages, of migrating animals, of encompassing abundance; from time to time, i need to listen and immerse myself in it. moreover, there is something so gracious about the ocean; there is always a giving force. and every time i am underwater, i feel like i am back in the womb. i am in the body of mother earth itself. and though it is a voyage out, it seems as though that it is a journey inward as well; to encounter a part of myself.

my story is enmeshed with the story of the sea. no wonder i keep coming back to it.

posted by lex @ 8:41 PM,


At 11:33 AM, Blogger Niel Steve said...

wow nama. nainggit ako! pero parang takot ako... pero sabi nila, ibang makulay na mundo ang nasa ilalim ng dagat. =)

At 1:10 PM, Blogger lex said...

oy, neil! ganyan din ako nagsimula pero nung nakita ko na yung dagat, sobrang astig! fear is just a state of mind.


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