"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." - Dr. Seuss, Oh! The Places You'll Go!

sunday driving: gratitude journal

from time to time, i write entries in my gratitude journal enumerating the bounty of everyday. abundance is in my midst and indeed, good things come to a grateful heart. here are 5 things that i was grateful for yesterday:

1. pre-christmas get-together with former officemates, the wednesday edition group, and enjoying another round of great conversations and it's truly amazing how we continue to meet up despite the fact that we have moved on to different jobs.
2. seeing college retreat-mates (and drinking buddies) in a coffee shop (of all places! -- we're getting old!) in greenbelt and having a nice chat with these people. it seems that the crevice is much shallower and narrower than i think it is, despite the length of being unable to see each other for a number of years.
3. getting to see the fireworks in greenbelt and realizing that the kid in me still leaps out everytime i experience things like this.
4. having a sunday drive on a friday and being able to go to fort in less time than i expected. (i'm glad that the simple things still make me happy.)
5. walking around makati (on the path where i used to walk to and from work) and being able to feel grateful that things turn out pretty well in the end. my resentment for the company is close to nil. plus the thought of working in makati doesn't scare me anymore.

posted by lex @ 12:20 PM,


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