"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." - Dr. Seuss, Oh! The Places You'll Go!

new road: a fresh start

my new year didn't begin on new year's day, but rather on the 4th of january while i was fixing and purging my things. threw out shirts and pants that i'm not using anymore while using new ones (recently bought and lengthily stored -- and i mean store: i have a shirt that i haven't worn for more than a year).

after doing it, i felt much lighter. excess baggage as they say is, well, excess. not only do i have more storage, i also have an appreciation for having less stuff. i don't like excesses, in anything for that matter. when it comes to my stuff, i have a rule that if my things cannot fit my room, i need to get rid of some of it, which is specifically within the 4x4 meter confines of my bedroom.

and i'm glad i did it close to the new year; it's like a new slate, a fresh start with no strings attached. i'm more hopeful than ever for this year, maybe because i've made a lot of realizations over the past few weeks. moreover, there's a willful determination on my end to face this year with much gusto.

i have my resolutions for this year but will share it with you at the end of the year. as of now, my accountability is to myself and let's just see how it will work out. but as with the past 3 or 4 years, i've always found that each year gets better and better. (just for the record: i've experienced a new low this year, albeit less than the one when my lola died a few years ago but still i considered 2005 as my best year). looks like a great one ahead. as i say, a good things comes to a peron who has a positive attitude and an open heart.

i'm excited to see what will unfold in the next 12 months. surf's up, my friend and have a great new year ahead!

posted by lex @ 10:06 PM,


At 1:58 PM, Blogger Honey Oliveros said...

Happy New Year Chi! I know how you feel. My New Year didn't officially begin until yesterday - the 8th - my HAPPY New Year, anyway, but now I know it's off to a great start. Today I will clean and "purge" my room...gonna do you proud! :-) See you very very soon!

At 12:50 AM, Blogger lex said...

happy new year to you too, honey! how did the cleaning go? anyway, hope to see you real soon!


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